HFC training program will be employment-focussed, for candidates already in corporations and governments and those seeking employment in specific areas such as IT, Tourism and Hospitality, Manufacturing, Agro-industry, Construction etc. Much of the training will be via existing institutions in each country, facilitated by HCF through provision of financial and intellectual resources. Trainees will be awarded Certificates of achievement either by HCF or in collaboration with other partner institutions.

HCF Launches Rural Resources Development Program
HCF launched (Feb 23, 2024) its first workshop on Rural Resources Development at School No. 12 in Gori, Georgia for 22 enthusiastic students from the region. The workshop is the first of a series planned for Georgia as well as other selected countries. These workshops aim to create an awareness and understanding of the immense potential that may exist in their villages, for physical and human resources, which could be turned into income-generating assets. The students are also briefed on issues related to the environment, climate change, and the modalities of taking a micro or small business from an idea to a business model.